Have A Germ Phobia? Here’s How To Keep Them Off Your Toothbrush
You know how important it is to visit your dentist regularly to keep your teeth healthy. You probably know how important it is to brush your teeth daily too. However, you may not give much thought to caring for your toothbrush. Just think about it though. Your toothbrush comes in contact with the germs in your mouth every time you use it. Plus, it's exposed to the germs in the air, and those can be transferred to your mouth when you brush. You can eliminate these concerns by keeping your toothbrush as sanitary as possible. Here's how to do it.
Hang It Up To Dry
Let the bristles in your toothbrush dry out thoroughly between uses. The best way to do that is to stand your brush in a cup or hang it from a holder. This allows water to drip off the bristles. It also allows plenty of air to flow around the bristles, and that helps keep your brush dry.
Don't close a wet toothbrush in the medicine cabinet or a plastic holder to try and keep it sanitary. This only keeps the bristles damp and allows for germs and mold to multiply. The only time you may want to store your toothbrush inside a case is when you travel. That will protect the bristles from contacting unsanitary surfaces in your hotel or suitcase.
Replace Your Brush Often
The American Dental Association suggests you should replace your toothbrush about every three months. You may want to replace it sooner than that if the bristles show signs of wear, or if you have been sick. While every three months is a good rule of thumb to follow, there is no reason you can't replace your toothbrush more often if you want, especially since they are so affordable.
Keep in mind, this applies to electric toothbrushes as well. They are more costly to replace, so keep that in mind as you shop for an electric brush. Choose one that has affordable replacement heads, so you can change them often.
Keep It Clean
Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after you use it. You may even want to rinse it with antibacterial mouthwash to kill off the germs it picked up from your mouth. You can also repeat this procedure before you apply toothpaste and begin brushing each time.
It's probably a good idea to set your toothbrush holder a few feet from your toilet. Always close the lid before you flush too. This may prevent spreading germs from your toilet around the bathroom. Sitting the holder on the sink may not be the best either, since the sink gets a lot of action. Your toothbrush will be in the line of fire if a person coughs or sneezes while hand washing. Try setting the holder on a shelf or mount it to the wall instead, so it will stay clean between brushing.
While it isn't possible to eliminate all the germs on your toothbrush, you should be able to reduce their numbers, and lower the risk of infection, by following these simple steps to keeping your toothbrush sanitary. Talk to your dentist, such as Bloomington Dental, for more information.