Has Your Dentist Recommended An Extraction? 4 Tips To Help You Care For Your New Dental Bridge
If you're going to be fitted for a dental bridge, you'll want to ensure that it will receive the care that it needs. While your dental bridge will allow you to eat and chew naturally, it will still require some additional care, especially if you want to avoid dental problems. Here are four steps you should take to care for your new dental bridge.
1. Prevent Further Tooth Loss
When you have a dental bridge, it's important that you continue with proper oral hygiene. Not only can your remaining natural teeth need protection against tooth decay and cavities, but your gums also continue to require protection against gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. This is particularly important if you're experiencing premature tooth loss as a result of gum disease. Proper oral hygiene will help prevent further tooth loss. Be sure to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. Also, don't forget to clean under the bridge, especially in the area where you've had your teeth extracted. Those areas are susceptible to the buildup of germs and bacteria.
2. Invest in a Good Toothbrush System
Now that you're going to have a dental bridge, you'll want to invest in a good toothbrush system. Those ordinary manual toothbrushes are fine, but they're not going to give you the deep cleaning that you'll need for your bridge. Instead, you'll want an electric toothbrush system that can get rid of the plaque buildup before it becomes a serious threat to your teeth. An electric toothbrush can also get the cleaning power of your toothpaste down below the gum line and between your teeth for a more thorough clean.
3. Put an End to the Bad Habits
If you're in the habit of biting your nails, chewing on your pen, or eating hard candy, you'll want to stop that as soon as you have your dental bridge in place. Those habits can wreak havoc on your dental bridge. Not only that, they can also chip and crack your natural teeth. To protect your natural teeth, and your new dental bridge, avoid chewing or biting on hard substances.
4. Inform Your Dentist of Potential Bridge Problems
Once your dental bridge is fitted to your mouth and cemented into place, you shouldn't have any problems. However, as you age, you may find that your bridge no longer fits properly. This can be caused by the natural changes occurring in your jaw bone. If you notice that your bridge isn't fitting as comfortably as it once did, or you see visible signs of damage, be sure to inform your dentist as soon as possible.
To learn more, contact a dental clinic like Galloway Dental Care.