5 Ways To Keep Your Dental Bridges In Place
A dental bridge allows you to replace a damaged tooth by adhering a fake tooth to the healthy teeth on both sides of the tooth or teeth that were removed. A dental bridge is a great solution if you only need to have one or two teeth removed. A dental bridge can last a long time if you take proper care of your mouth.
#1 Keep Brushing Your Teeth
When you have a dental bridge, it is especially important that you keep brushing your teeth. You want to make sure that you brush your teeth in the morning and the evening when you have a dental bridge.
If your doctor suggests that you use a specific type of toothbrush, you should make sure that you purchase and use that type of toothbrush to brush your teeth each day.
#2 Floss Those Teeth
Next, make sure that you floss your teeth. Although flossing your teeth at least twice a day would be awesome, you want to make sure that you floss your teeth at least once a day. This will help protect your overall dental health.
It is also a good idea to carry some dental floss or dental picks to use in the restroom after you eat throughout the day to clean your teeth. Pay special attention to the area around your dental bridge.
#3 See Your Dentist
You should see your dentist at least twice a year. Even if you brush and floss regularly, plaque can still build up in your mouth. A dentist is capable of cleaning your teeth and getting rid of any potential plaque build-up. A dentist can also identify cavities and other dental health issues early on and treat them before they become a larger issue. When you have a dental bridge, it is really important to see your dentist on a regular basis.
#4 Use a Water Flossing Tool
Another way to keep your mouth clean in between visits to the dentist is by using a water flossing tool. A water flossing tool is a small dental tool that you can use at home that uses a water reserve to help flush away particles that are stuck in your mouth. The force of the water is strong enough to remove food particles from your mouth without harming it.
#5 Be Mindful of What You Eat
When you have a dental bridge, you want to be careful about what you eat. Try to avoid chewing really hard and sticky foods on the side of your mouth where your dental bridge is located. For example, caramel-covered apples are not the smartest choice when you have a dental bridge. That doesn't mean you can't ever eat hard or sticky foods, just that you should limit how often you eat these types of foods and try to chew on the opposite side of your mouth than your dental bridge.
A large part of taking care of your dental bridge is about general good dental habits and practices. Such habits like brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist twice a year is essential when you have a dental bridge in place. You also want to be conscious of what you are eating and perhaps consider using a water flossing device to really keep the space around your dental dam clean. Talk to a company like Sun Dental to learn more.