2 Ways To Help Prevent Tartar Buildup

Keeping your teeth clean until your next visit to the dental hygienist can seem like a daunting task. After all, each time you ingest a food or drink, plaque is forming in your mouth, and if the plaque is not removed quickly enough, it can harden into ugly, yellow tartar.  Tartar can only be removed safely by a specialized dental tool in a dental office.Thus, once it forms, you are unable to remove it until your next dental appointment. Read More 

Wisdom Teeth ~ Why Yours May Be Ailing You

Have you been experiencing pain in the back of your mouth and suspect that your wisdom teeth are the source of your pain? If so and you are beyond the age of 24, you may wonder why this pain has occurred at such a late period in your life. The following points will help you to better understand what may be causing your pain and what you need to do to find relief. Read More 

Three Daily Habits That Could Be Making Your Gums Look Worse Than They Are

Have you been experiencing problems with your gums despite brushing and flossing regularly? Are they redder than normal and possibly a little sore? If so, the cause may actually be something simple that you can easily change. Your gums can be incredibly sensitive and respond to how you treat them quickly. By taking a look at these three things, you could find the cause of your gum issues, giving you a chance to make everything better quickly. Read More 

Don’t Let Bad Breath Make You Fail That Job Interview

If you sometimes have a problem with breath odor, don't let it ruin your chances of getting that new job. Foul breath can be a distraction during an interview and could make a bad impression on the interviewer. Here are some tips to keep bad breath from affecting your next job interview. 1. Be mindful of what you eat several hours before the interview. A meal containing pungent foods, such as onions and garlic, can affect your breath hours after you've eaten. Read More 

4 Advantages Of Clear Braces

If you have been looking for a dental alignment option that is not easily noticed on your teeth, you may be considering clear braces. Here are a few advantages of this teeth-straightening option: Tooth-colored Brackets The brackets of clear braces are made from dental ceramics. The material can be matched to the color of your teeth. As a result, when clear braces have been applied, they do not stand out the way that traditional metal braces do against the teeth. Read More