About Getting Teeth Whitened by a Dentist

Did you make the mistake of not brushing your teeth enough throughout your life? If you are now left with stained teeth that you can't seem to bring appeal to, going to a dentist for professional whitening might be the solution. A dentist can actually use more than one whitening technique to achieve the highest extent of whitening. This article covers a few teeth whitening techniques that a dentist might use to bring you satisfactory results. Read More 

Three Things That Can Inflame Your Gums And How The Dentist Can Help

Inflamed gums are red, swollen, and very irritated. If you have tried everything you can to ease the irritation and discomfort of swollen gum tissue, you may need to see your dentist. Here are four things that cause that problem and how your dentist can help. Popcorn Husks Eating popcorn, or even eating corn on the cob, can get the husks of each kernel stuck underneath your gums. With corn on the cob, you may not notice any irritation until the following morning. Read More 

What You Can Do To Knock Down Psychological And Emotional Barriers To Dental Care In Disabled Persons

If you are responsible for an individual with a disability that prevents them from caring for their own teeth, it is important that you don't forget to address this critical need. Knowing how to properly care for a disabled person's teeth is a skill that requires patience, training, and a willingness to help. In some instances, the biggest hurdle to overcome is breaking a pattern of fear of dentistry or the unknown, and this is why you will need to exercise tact and care. Read More 

Tips For Caring For Your Dental Implants

Dental implants can't get cavities, but they aren't damage proof. When you have dental implants, you still have to maintain a good oral hygiene routine to prevent any of the natural teeth you have remaining from decaying and your dental implants in place. Otherwise, you might find yourself back at your dentist's office for some implant restoration work. The good news is, because dental implants are fused into your jaw, you can care for them as you would care for natural teeth; you just need to make a few adjustments to your normal routine. Read More 

Failure to Replace a Missing Tooth Can Affect Your Oral Health

When the average person thinks about a missing tooth, they typically categorize it as a cosmetic issue. For this reason, a number of people don't think much about tooth replacement. However, losing a tooth is far more than a cosmetic issue and can negatively affect your oral health. Make certain you understand the importance of tooth replacement. Prevent Drifting All of your teeth somewhat rely on each other to stay aligned. Read More