Why More Dentists Are Using Injectable Cosmetic Medicines To Treat Patients

Injectable cosmetic treatments have long been used to smooth facial lines and hide the appearance of wrinkles, but some of these treatments have also been proven to be useful in the field of dentistry. Many dentists nowadays are using Botox and other injectable medicines as alternative treatments when other conventional treatment methods have failed. Here are just some of the dental problems that can often be corrected with injectable cosmetic treatments. Read More 

Why Is Water Great For Your Oral Health?

Water provides a wealth of health benefits for the body, but drinking water especially has a positive impact on your oral health. The following are some benefits of drinking adequate water and how it can have an impact on your teeth and oral health: Strengthens Teeth When you drink water, especially water fortified with fluoride, your teeth become stronger. Fluoride is a strengthening mineral that supports the enamel on teeth. When the tooth enamel is strong, your risk of decay and cavities decreases. Read More 

How To Adjust To New Dentures

Dentures will take time to get used to if you are a new wearer since they can feel bulky and make your cheeks feel full. While that feeling will go away over time, it is something that you will have to deal with at first. Here are some tips that will help you adjust to wearing new dentures.  Eat Soft Foods While you may be excited to use your new dentures for chewing your favorite foods, you should know that it is going to take time to learn how to eat with them. Read More 

The Difference Between 4 Styles Of Dental Braces

If you have teeth that are misaligned, dental braces are a wonderful way to fix problems like overcrowding and crooked teeth. However, there are several types of braces that you should know about so that you will know which ones work best for you. Metal Braces The most common type of braces that you'll see is metal braces. They involve placing metal brackets on the front surface of your teeth, and they are aligned by placing a wire through each bracket. Read More 

Want Veneers? 3 Things You Need To Know

If you are looking for a way to enhance your smile in a short amount of time, dental veneers are an excellent option. Veneers are thin shells affixed to the outside of your teeth to alter their shape and appearance. Dental veneers work well for chipped, misshapen, or stained teeth. Veneers can also close an unsightly gap between the teeth. While veneers can do a lot for your smile, this isn't a procedure to take lightly. Read More