Guidelines To Getting Dental Implant Surgery

Getting your teeth fixed means that you have to rely upon the health and service of capable dental professionals. In this regard, dental implants are one of the most important surgeries that you can get for your oral health, in that they replace your organic tooth with a false tooth, whenever the situation dictates it. With this in mind, you should consider some of the following information, in order to be sure that you can protect your oral health and get the absolute most out of it. Read More 

Three Important Facts About Your Tooth Enamel

It's a word you've probably read on the back of your toothpaste tube, heard your dentist say, and perhaps even muttered to friends when discussing your dental health: enamel. How much do you really know about the outermost layer of your teeth? Read on to learn some important facts about enamel that could impact the way you practice oral hygiene and dental care. Your enamel is naturally clear. Most people assume their enamel is white, because they see white when they look at their teeth. Read More 

Beyond Oral Health: 5 Excellent Uses Of Your Dental Floss

Everyone knows the benefits of dental floss. However, most people aren't aware of just how many things dental use can be used for. Dental floss is more durable than people think, which makes it perfect for a variety of daily and household tasks. Here are five things you can use your dental floss for other than your oral hygiene: 1. Sew on Your Buttons Believe it or not, dental floss is pretty strong. Read More 

3 Common Baby Teeth Myths

If you have a child, you will want to know all you can about keeping their teeth healthy. One way to do this is by learning about some of the most common baby teeth myths. From learning about these myths, you can avoid making mistakes in caring for your child's teeth, helping them to keep their pearly whites strong. Myth #1 – It is unnecessary to take your child to the dentist until they are older. Read More 

Potential Treatment Options For Hyperdontia

Hyperdontia is a rare genetic condition that causes too many permanent teeth to grow in your mouth. These teeth can either break through the gums and crowd out the other teeth, or can remain under the surface and cause an abscess. In either case, hyperdontia can impair your chewing, speaking and/or your self esteem. Visit your dentist for a consultation and you will discover that there are a few different ways to correct your hyperdontia. Read More