Liver Disease And Oral Health

Liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or fibrotic liver disease can cause loss of appetite, weight loss, fluid accumulation in the abdomen, and pain in your abdomen. Your dentist may suspect that you have liver disease based upon your oral examination. Here are some signs and symptoms of liver disease that may manifest inside your mouth. Oral Hemorrhage  Liver disease can affect your clotting time by decreasing blood platelet aggregation. Not only can liver disease cause bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, but it can also raise your risk for oral hemorrhaging during dental procedures such as professional cleanings and extractions. Read More 

Are You In Need Of Emergency Dental Care? Here’s What You Want To Know

A lot of the time, when you have a problem with a tooth, you will call to set up an appointment with your regular dentist, and it might be a couple of weeks before you are able to be seen. However, if you are dealing with a dental emergency, that kind of wait might not be something that you can deal with. You may need the assistance of an emergency dental clinic. Read More 

4 Benefits Of Getting Veneers

Having the best smile can allow you to feel much more confident. If you want to have straighter teeth, you may want to get dental veneers. This is a cosmetic process that your dentist can do you. Veneers are thin porcelain laminate that will fit over your existing teeth. There are numerous advantages of getting veneers and knowing what these are may be beneficial to you. 1. Extremely natural appearance Read More 

How To Extend The Life Of Your Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the longest-lasting tooth replacements out there. In comparison to dentures and bridges, dental implants can last for decades. However, how you care for them can play a big role in whether or not they last that long and, with the right dental care, you can help them to last even longer. Here are three things you should always do to ensure that your dental implants last for a very long time. Read More 

Want A Quick Smile Makeover? 3 Procedures To Consider

Your smile has a major impact on your overall appearance. Discolored, cracked, chipped, or misaligned teeth can have a negative impact on your self esteem. If you are unhappy with your teeth, you may find that yourself avoiding smiling or feeling less confident in public. The good news is that there are plenty of cosmetic dentist services that can help in a short amount of time. If you are looking for a quick smile makeover, here are three procedures that you may want to discuss with your cosmetic dentist. Read More